jeudi 19 janvier 2012

en attendant l'hiver

pas de neige prévue,en attendant je la peins

13 commentaires:

  1. Aussi pas de neige ici mais ta peinture est très belle!

  2. une invitation à s'arrêter là, à admirer l'ambiance de la neige, joli paysage Isabelle !!! Noëlle

  3. I love this one.Snow looks so pretty even though it often makes big problems.You paint very beautifully.

  4. Tiens il fait plus frais tout à coup ! Belle proposition de sortie hivernale, bravo Isabelle.

  5. A very lovely winter scene!
    There is no snow here too, but I can live with that...

  6. Penny BPermalink Reply by Penny B 20 hours ago

    Hi, Isabelle. This looks plenty loose enough to me. It has some mingled colors in the rocks that are lovely with not too much detail. The mood you have created is really nice, kind of calm and peaceful, but still cold feeling. Very nice.

  7. This is beautifully painted Isabelle. A wonderful, creative use of color. I find it very loose, just enough lost and found edges.

  8. Reply by Kaye Gates on January 14, 2012 at 1:53am

    Isabelle, this looks wonderfully loose to me. I love your introduction of color to the scene, yet you've retained the sense of cold in the air. I especially like your stone work and the sense of distance you've achieved. Good job!

  9. Et tu as bien raison ! Le blanc en aquarelle c'est presque ce qui est le plus important ! Bravo ! Bisous

  10. est une très belle aquarelle, isabelle : )

  11. C'est très réussi Isabelle! Une scène avec beaucoup d'atmosphère. Bon hiver!

  12. this looks excellent on the screen isabelle..lovely cluster of primroses above.

  13. Bonjour Isabelle, j'aime beaucoup ce paysage d'hiver, vraiment magnifique! Tito.
