lundi 5 septembre 2011

retour dans la basse-cour

un nouvel essai du style" jean haines "

6 commentaires:

  1. Il va pouvoir parader dans la basse-cour ce beau coq. Bises.

  2. Isabelle - have seen both, and I like them both. I think the thing at the top of the head is called the comb. (Judith) With this painting here I'd like to see a warmer red used in that area. Not all over the comb, just a touch to warm it up a little. Apart from that, this is a lovely loose painting. Hope I can produce something similar.

  3. Another really beautiful effort Isabelle.... you have a lovely touch with watercolour, I think it could do with a touch more contrast around the head and compositionally think that maybe the edges at the bottom needed to be less in a line and slightly more irregular?

  4. I love this exatly as it is,there is a fabulous feeling of a tilt of the head which caught my eye immediately,leave this alone and start a new painting! Its fabulous, Jean

  5. Isabelle, I love the color in your cockerel. He shines! The background sets him off nicely!
